Class 4 (Year 5/6)
The Class Teachers are Mrs Falshaw and Mrs Jolley.
Miss Davis works in our class too and supports us with our learning.
Our children are encouraged in Y5/6 to confidently take more and more responsibility for themselves and for helping younger children. They are role models for the rest of the school through the way they work and play and care for each other.
Class 4 children are warmly nurtured as they look ahead to taking the step towards secondary school, given the support they need to thrive. They are skilfully enabled to achieve their very best in the national tests at the end of KS2.
They learn in Y5/6 how to start to become even more their own unique selves, to learn, to share, to create, to perform, to care about each other and our world, and so we 'Believe and Achieve Together'.
Class 4 Newsletter Spring 2025
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Overview Spring 2025
Long-Term plan